Washington, DC – November 19, 2019 – As a multi-year host of Manufacturing Day, Demco Automation was invited to participate in the Manufacturing Institute’s highlight video of Manufacturing Day 2019. As workforce and education partner the NAM (National Association of Manufacturers), its purpose is to drive programs and research to promote modern manufacturing, and jump-start new approaches to growing manufacturing talent.
Students from the UBCTS (Upper Bucks County Technical School) Mechatronics Program, Southern Lehigh High School, the Bucks County Workforce Development Board, and others toured Demco Automation’s facility to learn more about advanced manufacturing careers in the U.S. On the tour, they saw Engineers, Technicians, Machinists, and other technical professionals in action designing and constructing robotic manufacturing systems.
“It is vitally important for the manufacturing sector to open their doors to students, educators, and the general public. Events like this help everyone to understand the exciting careers that are available in advanced manufacturing.”, says Stephen Maund, President & CEO of Demco Automation. “Awareness will help to change the perception of manufacturing careers as a whole, not to mention maintaining healthy resource pipeline to companies like ours moving into the future. Manufacturing Day is a great way to do this.”
Demco Automation’s Manufacturing Day 2019 event was one over 3,000 nationwide with almost a third of a million participants. In a survey conducted by NAM’s Manufacturing Institute, it was found that by attending the an event, approximately 90% of participants became more familiar with manufacturing as compared to only 21.4% before attending, and 72.4% stated they believed manufacturing provides and interesting and rewarding career.
Maund continued, “We have successfully hired summer Engineering Interns from various colleges and universities for years, and more recently, we have multiple positions filled by graduates from regional technical schools. It’s a great way to partner with institutions in our region.”
See the article and video by NAM’s Manufacturing Institute here: Manufacturing Day Results Are In
For more information on these topics, please visit the following links:
Upper Bucks County Technical School
Bucks County Workforce Development Board